Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Course
Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is 5000 years old South Indian Astrology.
The grammar of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is completely different from Vedic astrology, events in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi occur when one planet connects with another planet. The rule of how one planet will connect with another is completely different from Vedic astrology and is very simple. In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi the timing of events is determined by transit i.e. Gauchar and progression. Irrespective of the ascendant, information about parents, siblings, wife-children, past, present and future can be accurately determined from Bhrigu Nandi Nadi.
What will be the profession of the person? Which education will be good for the person, when will the person travel, when and where will the person get married, when will he travel abroad, will there be foreign settlement or not. Answers to thousands of such questions can be found out from Bhrigu Nandi Nadi in a minute. The technique of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is simple, accurate and effective as compared to Vedic astrology. In simple words, Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is a milestone, a link for Vedic Astrology and Lal Kitab Astrology. Meaning, with the rule of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, predictions of Vedic astrology become very easy. And with the rules of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, it becomes very easy to understand the rules of Lal Kitab astrology. In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, Guru has been called the life factor. Meaning, every living being in this world is a Guru, because Guru is oxygen and every living being takes oxygen.
What will you be taught in this course?
Module 1
- Introduction of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi (BNN)
- Rule of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
- How does Bhrigu Nandi Nadi work?
- What is Nadi link?
- Importance of Nadi link
- How to Make Nadi Link
- How to Read Nadi Link Step by Step
- Significator of Planet
- Significator of Signs
- Significator of Houses
- Friends and enemies of the planets
- Result of Conjunction of Two Planets
- Result of Conjunction of Three Planets
- Result of Conjunction of Multiple Planets
- Result of Planets According to Degree
Module 2
- Dispositor theory
- Chandra Kala Nadi
- Jeeva Nadi
- Ajeeva nadi
- Modification
- Importance of Retrograde Planet in BNN
- Sudarshan Nadi
- Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati
- Kundali Locking
- Kaal Sarp Yoga and Dosh
- Importance of Rahu and Ketu
- How to use Rahu and Ketu in BNN
- Progression and Regression
- Navatara Chakra
- Jupiter Kundali
- Transit (Gochar)
- BNN and Nakshatra
- Varshphal
- Prediction of One Year
- Prediction of One Month
- Prediction of One Day
Module 3
- How to Move Planets in horoscope
- Step by Step Transit
- Transit of Planets to other Planets
- Time of Event Through Transit
- Promises of Money , Family , Speech , Food
- What will the Siblings and Neighbors be like?
- Promises of Property , Vehicle
- Promises of Children , Love Affair , Speculation
- Promises of Accident, Health Issues , Quarrel , Loan
- Promisses of Job , Promotion , Transfer , Scholarship
- Promises of Marriage, Divorce, Business, Partnership
- Ancestral Property , Accident , Operation , Longevity , Insult , Tantra-Mantra
- Promises of Education , Subjects , Special Combation , Fortune Rise
- Promises of Higher Education , Break in Education , Second Marriage , Foreign Travel , Jail Yoga , Court case
- Promisses of Politics, Famous, Fame, Business, Foreign Settlement
- Promise Of Event by Month and Day
- Many More..